
Star Warrior Robby Issue 8: Call for Back-Up! Pt.2

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After Vyra has been defeated, Lt. Marjorie Adams is prepared to fight against Jabbin' Jao while Arthur and the rest of her military sit in the side lines.

Arthur: *thinking* I wonder what tricks she'll have up her sleeve to wanting to take this guy on by herself.

Lt. Marjorie: Go!

Lt. Marjorie and Jao charged at each other. As she jump over Jao, Lt. Marjorie threw two darts at him. She missed, but Jao let out a slam on the ground, causing pillars of concrete to appear. Lt. Marjorie back-flipped to dodge the attack as Jao rushed in to grab her. Lt. Marjorie leaped over his hand, hand-stand on his arm and spin-kicked him in the face. She jumps off and lands on the ground. Jao throws a punch at Lt. Marjorie, but she quickly dodged and threw two more darts at him. Jao, dodged them both as he jumped up to grab her. He finally did, and as he landed to the ground, he was about to squeeze her.

Arthur: Lt. Marjorie!

Jao: Hah! Now, I got ya!

Lt. Marjorie: No you don't! *brings out a taser off her sleeve and shocks his hand*

Jao: *shocked in pain* Augh! *releases Lt.Marjorie*

After being released from Jao's grip, Lt. Marjorie back-flipped away and put down the last dart on the ground.

Jao: *growled* You're gonna regret that!

Jao is about to charge at Lt. Marjorie, until she brought out a remote and pushed the button, activating an electric barrier around him. Jao got zapped and pushed back by the barrier.

Jao: Hey! What is this!

Lt. Marjorie: You know those darts I've been throwing around before? These are amplifiers, guaranteed to set up this trap for you.

Jao: Heh! You think a zappy barrier can hold me for long?

Lt. Marjorie: Perhaps not...which is why I have this next trick to bring you down.

Jao: *astonsihed* What?!

Lt. Marjorie pushed button again, the darts and barrier glowed into a big star around Jao. The electric currents filled in the middle, and about to bring out a devastating attack.

Lt. Marjorie: *turned her back on Jao and swings her right arm out* Taser Trap: Thunder Star!

The attack let out a blast of electricity and Jao suffered massive damage. Lt. Marjorie stopped the power, and Jao fainted as he started to smoke all over his body. Arthur was surprised by what he saw.

Lt. Marjorie: *walks over* Ok, men. He's all yours.

The military goes to contain the unconscious Jao as Lt. Marjorie is about to help Arthur up.

Lt. Marjorie: Need a hand, Arthur.

Arthur: *grabs Lt. Marjorie's hand as he gets up* Thanks.

Lt. Marjorie: No problem. I never thought you would be a fighter with that shield there.

Arthur: Well, let's just say, I've been practicing for a while. Looks like I need more training for when I get to try and win my own battles.

Lt. Marjorie: *giggles* Just as long as you stay alive. World would be nothing without it's most famous shoeshine boy.

Arthur: *blushes* Hehe. So is Jao gonna be okay?

Lt. Marjorie: Don't worry. The attack may be powerful, but not enough to kill. He'll be resting in his cell where he belongs.

Suddenly, Lt. Marjorie has a call from the other side.

Lt. Marjorie: *picks up her phone* Yes. Report. *Listens in* I see. Good work. I'll leave the rest to you then. *hangs up* Well, looks like Jao won't be alone where he's going.

Arthur: What? Vyra's been taken down too?

Lt. Marjorie: Yes. I called in a couple allies to help out the twins. They're both safe, and Vyra's been contained as we speak.

Arthur: Thank goodness for that. Now, all it's left to do is wait until Robby saves Florence and come back after he stops Iggman.

Lt. Marjorie: You might be right. But, I'm afraid it won't be as easy as we may think.

Arthur: Huh?

Meanwhile Star Warrior Robby is on the run to get inside Dr. Iggman's airship. Inside the airship, Dr. Iggman spots Robby coming over on the screen.

Dr. Iggman: Computer, open the hatch. Our guest has arrived.

Computer: Opening hatch.

Dr. Iggman: Florence, my dear. You know what to do.

Florence: As you wish, Dr. Iggman. *walks away*

Robby spots the airship's hatch opening.

Robby: Oh, opening the door for me, I see. Don't mind if I do.

So Robby leaped off the building, activated his rocket boots and flew into the airship. He made it inside, and calls Dasien on his Visorcomms of the progress.

Robby: Yo, Das. I made it into Iggman's ship and on my way to save Florence. How are things going over there?

Dasien: Not too bad. We worked up a good sweat beating all of Iggman's robots, and we got word that Jao and Vyra are taken down now.

Robby: That's awesome!

Dasien: Yeah. Well, that's only the good news about it. Not sure if you'll like the bad news.

Robby: Try me.

Dasien: Well, Iggman brought in 8 more robots this time.

Robby: That's it? What's so bad about that?

Meanwhile, Dasien is still talking to Robby as she and the other heroines were devastated by what they saw before them.

Dasien: Let's just say that these last 8 here...are the kind makes you think of looking into a mirror...with the scariest reflection imaginable.

Suddenly, metallic robot versions of themselves appeared before the 8 superheroines. One of the robots in the middle, which looks like Dasien, is glowing it's eyes red with menace and intimidation. What power lies in these metallic clones? We'll soon find out in the next chapter.
Previous: Star Warrior Robby Issue 8: Call for Back-Up! Pt.1
Next: Star Warrior Robby Issue 9

SWR, Dr. Iggman, Jabbin' Jao, and the Super Clones/ Story © :iconstarwarriorrobby:

Florence Simmons, Lt. Marjorie Adams and the military © :iconmcmxc2:
Arthur© :iconarthurt2015:
Dasien© :iconneilsama:
Echo O'Ryan© :iconjasmination:
Rita © :iconrodriguis:
Maxine© :iconreginaldo-nakamura:
Superhawke© :icondangerman-1973:
Acustica© :iconcaptain-paulo:
Ella© :icongamepal:
Vicky© :iconjollyjack:
© 2015 - 2024 StarWarriorRobby
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